

The Story


A perpetual collection of  images born from the time between time, truth revealed in thousands of journeys.

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We specialise in bringing items to the Uvawrld to be transformed with tentacle magic.


A statement from the artist

I am  inspired by architecture, the sacred and otherworldly power it holds. This is combined with its relationship to rebellious energy of vandalism and material decay. The whole conversation between us, ourselves, where we are and what we do.

Stay with me

Uvawrld uses art to give new life to  garments and textiles, creating one-of-a-kind pieces that reflect the  ingenuity and mystique of the world around us. It's a call to embrace complexity and maximalism without fear.

 A spirit of radical unauthorised creative action for all!

Thats Tentacles 

The Uvawrld

Allegedly The term Uvawrld refers to a mysterious space built on a sea of tentacles by an ancient octopus civilisation known as Taikas. They predicted the emergence of a constricted, polarised world marred by destruction.

The Taikas devised a plan. to plant a seed of inspiration in the future. When sprouted it grows tentacles with transformative power. Enabling us to swim through dimensions back to the Uvawrld via creative pursuits.

 A place free from waste, repetition, and abuse.  Those who have seen the Uvawrld are compelled to share the wonders of it's tentacles not just through words but with actions.

We're here to bring their plan to life.

The 8 Tentacle Code

The 8 tentacle code is the most human way of explaining the Uvawrld Experience.


1 Creativity

 Not just through arts but creative existence, with every step create a journey, let every breath create a story


2 Curiosity 

desire to discover, experiment and play


3 Adaptability

Find oneness with all surroundings, change course naturally without injurious action


4 Mystique

 Embrace the unknown unseen to connect to what we know and can observe


5 Depth

 In all pursuits swim deeper


 6 Beauty

Observe, enjoy, cultivate, and preserve the beauty of your world


 7 Perseverance

 Move continuously and maintain a tactile relationship with your journey


 8 Independence

  Know yourself & rely on yourself


We put drawing and painting at the forefront of our process. Making a conscious choice to have human energy as a tangible element of all our products.

Working towards a sustainable future built from what we have within us. Promoting An alternative flavour of ethical and eco.

Rest assured nobody gets hurt everybody gets paid

Tentacles Everywhere

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